Parent Power at the Polls

As parent leaders and children's advocates, you have a unique opportunity to shape the future for our children. Voting is one of the most powerful ways to  advocate for their well-being and create positive change in our community.

Hear from parent leaders about why voting matters and how it's made a positive impact on their lives and their communities. They'll share their personal stories and inspire you to take action!

Why do you vote?

Previously, voting was a duty, but now it’s to safeguard human rights and protect our democracy from mounting threats.
— Twyla Chrostowski
I vote to honor the legacy of my ancestors who fought tirelessly for this right. Their struggle paved the way for me, and casting my vote is my way of continuing that fight and contributing to a greater future for our nation.
— Dr. Kirsten Brown Persley

Why did you want to be a vote ambassador?

For some time, I’ve wanted to support the voting process, but was uncertain about the first steps. The training opportunities shared by PLTI enable me to take action.
— Twyla Chrostowski
I became a voter ambassador because I want to make sure that everyone is prepared to vote. Voting is the backbone of our democratic republic, and I believe that informed, empowered voters can make all the difference.
— Dr. Kirsten Brown Persley

What is your advice for others who wish to help with voter engagement?

I’d advise anyone looking to help with voter engagement to take the time to do thorough research and get trained. It’s crucial to be accurate, informed, and effective when helping others navigate the voting process.
— Dr. Kirsten Brown Persley
Join someone with a little experience so you can focus on the registration part. But it’s exciting when you register someone for their first time
— Twyla Chrostowski

Beyond the Program: Growing Leaders, Building Communities


Sparking Children’s Leadership